Je-Kyung Ryu

Seoul National University, South Korea

Je-Kyung Ryu is an assistant professor at the Seoul National University in South Korea for biophysics from March 2022. He is working for structural dynamics of chromosome organizing proteins using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (HS AFM) and various single-molecule assays.

His recent scientific accomplishments with colleagues are as follows.

2020: He showed that condensin holocomplex extrudes a DNA loop using conformational changes between open and collapsed states using HS AFM (NSMB (2020), 27(12), 1134-1141).
2021: He showed that cohesin complex can phase separate along a DNA and discovered that this is a new type of phase separation, called bridging-induced phase separation (Science Advances (2021), 7(7),eabe5905).
2022: He showed the exact step size of condensin-mediated DNA loop extrusion using magnetic tweezers and showed that ATP binding in condensin is the force-generating step for DNA loop extrusion (NAR (2022), 50(2), 820-832.)