Angela Wu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Angela Wu is an associate professor in the Division of Life Science and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). She is passionate about interdisciplinary research at the interface of basic biology and engineering, developing new microfluidics and genomics technologies for the systems-level and quantitative investigation of biology. Examples of work from her group include single-cell multi-omic sequencing methods for studying tumor heterogeneity, and tools for cell atlas integration and cross-species comparisons. Angela previously co-founded Agenovir Corporation, a CRISPR-based therapeutics company targeting infectious diseases for a complete cure, and helped to successfully raise Series A venture capital funding. Agenovir was acquired by Vir Biotechnologies in 2018. As recognition of her achievements in technology and innovation, Dr Wu was named one of MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35 Asia in 2016, and a World Economic Forum Young Scientist in 2018..